Create a common interface for debug and unit test classes something assertNeedFalse etc.
Write FOUnitTestBase::needEqualSqlResult
Write FOUnitTestBase::needLess($x, 5)
Write FOUnitTestBase::needMore($x, 5)
Write FOUnitTestBase::needBetween($value, $min, $max)
Write FOUnitTestBase::needKeyExist($arr, array('a', 'b')) The array $arr must have atleast the keys 'a' and 'b'
Write FOUnitTestBase::needValueExist($arr, array('a', 'b')) The array $arr must have the atleast nodes with the values of 'a' and 'b'.
Print statistic about how long time it takes to run a test case.
Functionality that prints the contents of the arguments from needEqual etc. For example when needEqual fails in this case $stringVar = "Game over man"; eval($this->needEqual('$stringVar', '5')); It will print something like Copy: 'Game over man'