Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BenchmarkFunctions to benchmark how long time some other code has taken to execute
CommunicationSends SMS and Email messages
ConfigClasses that handles general configuration of the systems
DbInclude files
DbConfigHolds login information to the database server
FileLockInclude files
FOUnitTestWill be used to gather a group of foUnitTestBase inherited classes
FOUnitTestBaseAbstract base class for all unit test classes
ILockDeclare the interface 'iLock'
PhpCronTabScheduling functionality similiar to the unix crontab
ShellCmdFunctions to execute shell commands
SiteConfigEnvironment settings for a site
standardThis is the standard Unit Test Skin
unitTestSkinThe abstract base class that are used by all Unit Test Skins
UrlIncludes URL manipulating functions
UrlRequstInclude files
UTArrayUnit test for all functions in Array.php
UTBenchmarkUnit test for all functions in Benchmark.php
UTCommunicationUnit test for all functions in Communication.class.php
UTConfigUnit test for all functions in UTConfig.class.php
UTDateUnit test for all functions in Date.php
UTDbUnit test for all functions in Db.php
UTFileLockUnit test for all functions in FileLock.php
UTFilesUnit test for all functions in Files.php
utFOUnitTestBaseUnit test for the class foUnitTestBase
UTPhpCronTabUnit test for all functions in PhpCronTab.php
UTShellCmdUnit test for all functions in ShellCmd.class.php
UTStringUnit test for all functions in String.php
UTUrlUnit test for all functions in UrlResolve.class.php
UTUrlRequestUnit test for all functions in UrlRequst.class.php

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